♥~*~Twilighterz *Official* Thread~*~♥

Oh here are my answers:

Favorite character: Renesmee or Alice? it's a tie
Favorite saying in the books/movies : "If you live forever, what do you live for?
Team (Edward or Jacob) : eh, toughie. In the books, Edward. In the movies, Jacob.
Favorite book in the saga: Breaking Dawn
How you found out about Twilight: Everyone was reading it so I was given a copy for free and I kept reading and I liked the series so I basically kept reading

What Twi-star you would love to meet: TAYLOR LAUTNER. and I guess Ashley Greene
What Bella's last name is (before she gets married): Swan.
<3ChickenForever :

OMYgosshhh!!! Can't wait for Breaking Dawn!!!!!! I'm gonna see the midnight showing and miss school! Huzahh!!!!

im going to the midnight show with my daughter and we have a pd day on the friday!​
Totally joining!!!

Favorite character: Alice, Jasper, Jacob, Bella, well... I think everyone!

Favorite saying in the books/movies : "If you live forever, what do you live for?"

Team (Edward or Jacob) : Jacob!!

Favorite book in the saga: Eclipse

How you found out about Twilight: My aunt

What Twi-star you would love to meet: TAYLORE LAUGHTNER

What Bella's last name is (before she gets married): Swan
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