..✺..GAME OVER..✺.. The RP!

"Caves can be tricky and very easy to get lost in. If that's the only way out and it being blocked. Could factor into lack of oxygen soon. If it's not the only way out, try to find some air movement. Especially with the wind guts outside being so strong. They may help us find another exit out. " Cayden added with caution.
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"Not all that much. When my family lived in Arizona, we would hear stories about teens that got lost in caves. They'd skip school, go exploring and get lost. Some were found, some were not." Cayden explained. "Even expert cavers get lost without ropes and chalk to mark their way. But then we are leopards, our noses are our strongest sense. Something that those humans didn't have." She finished hopefully.
Kim started walking down the cave towards the glowing thing. "Wow" Kim said as it came into view.
(The glowing thing.)

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