..✺..GAME OVER..✺.. The RP!

(Nah, your fine ;) I just wanted to be sure you knew.)
Khali rolled her eyes "Don't go far. We don't want to have to look for you." She pinned her ears.

"Okay." He said. After a few minutes he came back. (I don't think anything's out there that will attack us." Micheal said.
Sam laid down in the caveaway from everyone else. She had a few friends here sometimes they hung out with people she didn't necessarily know or like.

Nic sat by the mouth of the cave and looked out. He wondered about how they would get home. Were pretty large for a pack so we're fairly safe. That is, if this is a normal forest...
"There could be." Khali said.
"We are going to get up early to take a look around and make sure the area is safe. Would you like to come or watch the pack?" Brett asked."I will just leave the pack to Cameron." He laughed.
Cameron growled playfully at Brett.

Sam looked over to him. "I guess I will come with you. Might as well."

Nic laid down. "I'll stay. Just in case we have to defend the cave or something."

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