..✺..GAME OVER..✺.. The RP!

(If I make a new RP that is not like this one so it's not copying may I post a link to it on here?)

(Yes, You may.
(Please join my new roll play:) https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/newestpost/947704 )

(ArtGirl, if you think my new RP is like yours then just tell me and I'll delete it:))
As Willow crept back through the woods trying to smell the squirrel again she sighted a black wolf silently following the scent of the pack, feeling betrayed that no one else had followed her, she wondered if this wolf could be a good companion. She crouched down and slithered close to the end of a bush and them stood up. "Who are you?" She asked. Even though she was upset that her friends had left her closer up this wolf looked like it wanted to gobble her down. She would fight to keep her friends safe! She raised her hackles and tried again, "Who are you?" She growled.

(Who is this for?)

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