..✺..GAME OVER..✺.. The RP!

Josh looked over to Cilestia, then back to Cayden and said,"We need to try to get it to fall in. If it turns fast like it did before I'm sure it'll slip." Josh turned to dodge a couple rocks, then continued, "Once we catch up to Cilestia we need to try to get its attention, then well run underneath him."
Josh looked over to Cilestia, then back to Cayden and said,"We need to try to get it to fall in. If it turns fast like it did before I'm sure it'll slip." Josh turned to dodge a couple rocks, then continued, "Once we catch up to Cilestia we need to try to get its attention, then well run underneath him."

Cayden nodded her head in agreement. She then followed after Josh.
Ray stayed close to Kim, struggling to keep his eyes open. He's legs were red with blood and barely able to hold his weight. After a few more moments, his body couldn't take it. He toppled over next to Kim, his eyes tightly shut.
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(Right now he's trying to get the lizards attention to somehow make it slip or something?)
"Come on Cayden. We need to get his attention off of Ray and the others." Josh said scratching his leg.
The lizard roared and tried to reach down to get Cilestia and Josh.
(Right now he's trying to get the lizards attention to somehow make it slip or something?)
"Come on Cayden. We need to get his attention off of Ray and the others." Josh said scratching his leg.
The lizard roared and tried to reach down to get Cilestia and Josh.

Cayden charged in and started chewing the lizards tail, like a pit bull with a bone. Because maybe if she bit the tip off, that would really make it mad.
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The lizard hissed and tried to turn to get Cayden. It starting spinning trying to reach her. Suddenly it stepped on a patch of ice and lost its balance. Josh and Cilestia ran out from underneath it as it was falling into the water.

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