❤️ Some GOOD NEWS for a change! ❤️ Baby with “The Hobbles” completely recovered with NUTRA-DRENCH! Today she’s RUNNING! ❤️


Jun 20, 2022
Good morning!

Today I actually have some good news!!
Our newest baby could not stand or walk, I was told it was the “hobbles” and to get her Nutra-Drench. So I immediately ran to TTS and started her on it.
This morning I woke up to see her standing in front of her mirror! I couldn’t believe it, so I took her out and she RAN after me!!
I was so thrilled and relieved that I cried!
Thank you so much for recommending this amazing, miracle product! ❤️❤️❤️

Love and blessings to you all! ❤️🥰🙏


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Amy she just needed time to recover from her hard hatch
Very seldom do babies come out running
They take even longer when assisted from being in an egg way to small for their growth
Her feet were curled from being squished
All she needed was time
The Nutridrench is great for little ones but I don’t think it cured her it gave her nutrition she needed but time to untwist the squished legs was what cured her

I am concerned for the 5 month old pekin though
Please update that thread
Amy she just needed time to recover from her hard hatch
Very seldom do babies come out running
They take even longer when assisted from being in an egg way to small for their growth
Her feet were curled from being squished
All she needed was time
The Nutridrench is great for little ones but I don’t think it cured her it gave her nutrition she needed but time to untwist the squished legs was what cured her

I am concerned for the 5 month old pekin though
Please update that thread
Thank you!
I’m very happy she’s well too.
We took our Pekin to the clinic this morning and they wouldn’t see us because there has been an outbreak of Avian flu.
I was very upset because we drove an hour and they wouldn’t see her!
We have her on electrolytes and Nutra Drench. Could it be water belly?
I’ve been searching around everywhere to try to find out!
I’m worried SICK!
When we pick her up she immediately gets yellow diarrhea, so we have paper towels under her that need to be changed a lot.
I have a blanket on her and she’s very comfortable on a super soft fleece blanket.
We are hand feeding her because she’s not eating much, but she’s drinking. But with the diarrhea she needs extra fluids so I’m bottle feeding her the electrolytes which she likes.
My husband spoke to a man from the FDA, he was very kind and said it doesn’t sound like Bird flu, but keep an eye on the rest of them.
Her companion refused to leave her side and both get stressed when separated, so we put them both in a large plastic tub so they could lay together.
They are right in the corner of the mud room off the kitchen where it’s quiet. I have soft music playing and pet her and talk to her softly every chance I get.
My daughter will sit in their and read books to her until we insist she come out.
I’d give anything to know what could possibly be wrong with her!
I’m going crazy not knowing and the fact nobody will see her!!! 💔
It could be SO many different things that I couldn’t even begin to guess… 😢
Thank you!
I’m very happy she’s well too.
We took our Pekin to the clinic this morning and they wouldn’t see us because there has been an outbreak of Avian flu.
I was very upset because we drove an hour and they wouldn’t see her!
We have her on electrolytes and Nutra Drench. Could it be water belly?
I’ve been searching around everywhere to try to find out!
I’m worried SICK!
When we pick her up she immediately gets yellow diarrhea, so we have paper towels under her that need to be changed a lot.
I have a blanket on her and she’s very comfortable on a super soft fleece blanket.
We are hand feeding her because she’s not eating much, but she’s drinking. But with the diarrhea she needs extra fluids so I’m bottle feeding her the electrolytes which she likes.
My husband spoke to a man from the FDA, he was very kind and said it doesn’t sound like Bird flu, but keep an eye on the rest of them.
Her companion refused to leave her side and both get stressed when separated, so we put them both in a large plastic tub so they could lay together.
They are right in the corner of the mud room off the kitchen where it’s quiet. I have soft music playing and pet her and talk to her softly every chance I get.
My daughter will sit in their and read books to her until we insist she come out.
I’d give anything to know what could possibly be wrong with her!
I’m going crazy not knowing and the fact nobody will see her!!! 💔
It could be SO many different things that I couldn’t even begin to guess… 😢
Do you provide crushed oyster shells
Wondering if she is egg bound
Thank you!
I’m very happy she’s well too.
We took our Pekin to the clinic this morning and they wouldn’t see us because there has been an outbreak of Avian flu.
I was very upset because we drove an hour and they wouldn’t see her!
We have her on electrolytes and Nutra Drench. Could it be water belly?
I’ve been searching around everywhere to try to find out!
I’m worried SICK!
When we pick her up she immediately gets yellow diarrhea, so we have paper towels under her that need to be changed a lot.
I have a blanket on her and she’s very comfortable on a super soft fleece blanket.
We are hand feeding her because she’s not eating much, but she’s drinking. But with the diarrhea she needs extra fluids so I’m bottle feeding her the electrolytes which she likes.
My husband spoke to a man from the FDA, he was very kind and said it doesn’t sound like Bird flu, but keep an eye on the rest of them.
Her companion refused to leave her side and both get stressed when separated, so we put them both in a large plastic tub so they could lay together.
They are right in the corner of the mud room off the kitchen where it’s quiet. I have soft music playing and pet her and talk to her softly every chance I get.
My daughter will sit in their and read books to her until we insist she come out.
I’d give anything to know what could possibly be wrong with her!
I’m going crazy not knowing and the fact nobody will see her!!! 💔
It could be SO many different things that I couldn’t even begin to guess… 😢
FDA? What is the FDA? I sure hope you aren't talking about authorities. Amy if you discover symptoms in your birds of bird flu, and call the authorities to ask if it is- they will come and test your birds. If positive, they would kill them all, even birds who test negative, if they're in the same flock.
It's the law, they have to cull any flock who test positive. So please don't go calling the authorities when the symptoms don't even match bird flu, if that's the department that handles bird flu.

Could your duck be egg bound? Has she laid before? She may be starting to. If you could attack pictures of her that would help
Is she laying down a lot, fluffed up, off food, pumping her tail? Does she have access to oyster shells?
FDA? What is the FDA? I sure hope you aren't talking about authorities. Amy if you discover symptoms in your birds of bird flu, and call the authorities to ask if it is- they will come and test your birds. If positive, they would kill them all, even birds who test negative, if they're in the same flock.
It's the law, they have to cull any flock who test positive. So please don't go calling the authorities when the symptoms don't even match bird flu, if that's the department that handles bird flu.

Could your duck be egg bound? Has she laid before? She may be starting to. If you could attack pictures of her that would help
Is she laying down a lot, fluffed up, off food, pumping her tail? Does she have access to oyster shells?
The clinic we took her to refused to see her and gave my husband a number to call. He described her symptoms and said it was not the bird flu.
My husband is in the military and abides by the law to the utmost.
The man was very kind and knowledgeable and said nothing about anyone coming out.
I’m sure she can’t be egg bound, as she’s only 3 months old and is separated from the drakes almost all the time.
They have never tried to mount her. We have security cameras everywhere.
They do get oyster shells and she has been pumping her tail, but we were told that is a sign of illness.
She can’t stand and has diarrhea.
This morning she ate some spinach, meal worms and her regular feed along with electrolytes and Nutra-Drench.
She moving her legs a bit more today but is still inside in her box.
I’ve researched every duck illnesses I can find and there are so many things it could be. I thought of water belly, or maybe she got into something she shouldn’t have.
We have been battling rats and have done everything but use poison.
We keep the coupe and run immaculate and take out any uneaten snacks.
We did find a dead rat in the coupe last weekend, and I know that they can get sick if they pick at a carcass!
I thought we had it under control by using mint, baking soda mixed with scraps in Tupperware containers with a hole. (It’s supposed to kill rats)
My husband reinforced the coupe and poured cement into the rat holes, we haven’t seen any at all except that one.
Other then that there is nothing she could have gotten ahold of.
Her mate, who is with her 24/7 is fine.

So I’m stumped. I didn’t even think that they could lay eggs so young, so how I’m wondering! Could it be possible?
I did read about it but thought it couldn’t be.
My friend, who is a breeder will be here shortly to take a look at her. She’s been keeping ducks for 20 years and knows everything regarding illnesses.
I’m very concerned but I checked all of them this morning and checked their poopy and all are fine.
It’s a real mystery. And if it were bird flu, all the others would be sick by now, especially her mate.
The odd thing is that she started to become ill after going for a swim.
It was fresh, clean water that i warmed up a bit by going in and out with buckets of warm water since it was so cold!! Could that oddly have anything to do with it?
I even dried them off and put them under the heat lamp when they were done. She has no nasal discharge or crusty eyes, so I’m ruling out a cold.
But now I’m wondering about being egg bound, but she’s still a baby! 🤷‍♀️

And as far as the authorities, nobody is coming or even concerned. But I’ll surely know for the future and make sure I inform my husband never to call.
He was just worried for the children because he said humans can become very sick from it, and we have 2 young children who are always playing with the ducks..

Thank you so much for warning me, and I’m so sorry for upsetting you, and I’m sorry for such a long reply. ❤️
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The clinic we took her to refused to see her and gave my husband a number to call. He described her symptoms and said it was not the bird flu.
My husband is in the military and abides by the law to the utmost.
The man was very kind and knowledgeable and said nothing about anyone coming out.
I’m sure she can’t be egg bound, as she’s only 3 months old and is separated from the drakes almost all the time.
They have never tried to mount her. We have security cameras everywhere.
They do get oyster shells and she has been pumping her tail, but we were told that is a sign of illness.
She can’t stand and has diarrhea.
This morning she ate some spinach, meal worms and her regular feed along with electrolytes and Nutra-Drench.
She moving her legs a bit more today but is still inside in her box.
I’ve researched every duck illnesses I can find and there are so many things it could be. I thought of water belly, or maybe she got into something she shouldn’t have.
We have been battling rats and have done everything but use poison.
We keep the coupe and run immaculate and take out any uneaten snacks.
We did find a dead rat in the coupe last weekend, and I know that they can get sick if they pick at a carcass!
I thought we had it under control by using mint, baking soda mixed with scraps in Tupperware containers with a hole. (It’s supposed to kill rats)
My husband reinforced the coupe and poured cement into the rat holes, we haven’t seen any at all except that one.
Other then that there is nothing she could have gotten ahold of.
Her mate, who is with her 24/7 is fine.

So I’m stumped. I didn’t even think that they could lay eggs so young, so how I’m wondering! Could it be possible?
I did read about it but thought it couldn’t be.
My friend, who is a breeder will be here shortly to take a look at her. She’s been keeping ducks for 20 years and knows everything regarding illnesses.
I’m very concerned but I checked all of them this morning and checked their poopy and all are fine.
It’s a real mystery. And if it were bird flu, all the others would be sick by now, especially her mate.
The odd thing is that she started to become ill after going for a swim.
It was fresh, clean water that i warmed up a bit by going in and out with buckets of warm water since it was so cold!! Could that oddly have anything to do with it?
I even dried them off and put them under the heat lamp when they were done. She has no nasal discharge or crusty eyes, so I’m ruling out a cold.
But now I’m wondering about being egg bound, but she’s still a baby! 🤷‍♀️

And as far as the authorities, nobody is coming or even concerned. But I’ll surely know for the future and make sure I inform my husband never to call.
He was just worried for the children because he said humans can become very sick from it, and we have 2 young children who are always playing with the ducks..

Thank you so much for warning me, and I’m so sorry for upsetting you, and I’m sorry for such a long reply. ❤️
I thought you had said she was 5 months in other posts. Most of my girls started at 4.5 months
As for no drake ducks DO NOT need a drake to lay eggs
You could have a flock of 30 girls and no boys and you would still get eggs
All the drakes do is mate that releases sperm that fertilized the egg
So having her away from the drakes is not stopping her from egg laying
When egg bound they pump their tail but they can also do this when in pain or sick
I had a girl that hurt her leg slipping on ice this winter who pumped her tail that’s how I knew something was wrong then she tried to get up and was limping on her leg
I gave her medicam for pain and swelling and vitamin B complex for extra vitamins while recovering
The clinic we took her to refused to see her and gave my husband a number to call. He described her symptoms and said it was not the bird flu.
My husband is in the military and abides by the law to the utmost.
The man was very kind and knowledgeable and said nothing about anyone coming out.
I’m sure she can’t be egg bound, as she’s only 3 months old and is separated from the drakes almost all the time.
They have never tried to mount her. We have security cameras everywhere.
They do get oyster shells and she has been pumping her tail, but we were told that is a sign of illness.
She can’t stand and has diarrhea.
This morning she ate some spinach, meal worms and her regular feed along with electrolytes and Nutra-Drench.
She moving her legs a bit more today but is still inside in her box.
I’ve researched every duck illnesses I can find and there are so many things it could be. I thought of water belly, or maybe she got into something she shouldn’t have.
We have been battling rats and have done everything but use poison.
We keep the coupe and run immaculate and take out any uneaten snacks.
We did find a dead rat in the coupe last weekend, and I know that they can get sick if they pick at a carcass!
I thought we had it under control by using mint, baking soda mixed with scraps in Tupperware containers with a hole. (It’s supposed to kill rats)
My husband reinforced the coupe and poured cement into the rat holes, we haven’t seen any at all except that one.
Other then that there is nothing she could have gotten ahold of.
Her mate, who is with her 24/7 is fine.

So I’m stumped. I didn’t even think that they could lay eggs so young, so how I’m wondering! Could it be possible?
I did read about it but thought it couldn’t be.
My friend, who is a breeder will be here shortly to take a look at her. She’s been keeping ducks for 20 years and knows everything regarding illnesses.
I’m very concerned but I checked all of them this morning and checked their poopy and all are fine.
It’s a real mystery. And if it were bird flu, all the others would be sick by now, especially her mate.
The odd thing is that she started to become ill after going for a swim.
It was fresh, clean water that i warmed up a bit by going in and out with buckets of warm water since it was so cold!! Could that oddly have anything to do with it?
I even dried them off and put them under the heat lamp when they were done. She has no nasal discharge or crusty eyes, so I’m ruling out a cold.
But now I’m wondering about being egg bound, but she’s still a baby! 🤷‍♀️

And as far as the authorities, nobody is coming or even concerned. But I’ll surely know for the future and make sure I inform my husband never to call.
He was just worried for the children because he said humans can become very sick from it, and we have 2 young children who are always playing with the ducks..

Thank you so much for warning me, and I’m so sorry for upsetting you, and I’m sorry for such a long reply. ❤️
Amy Mallard derived duck breeds generally don't get affected by bird flu, they don't show symptoms and it's extremely rare they get sick from it. So please don't worry about that right now, it definitely isn't bird flu. You can call authorities if you ever see symptoms, I'm simply warning you what would happen. Personally I stay under the radar.

Ducks do not need a male in order to lay eggs, they will lay without a male there, that's what they have been bred to do.

In a previous post, didn't you say she was 5 months old? That's old enough to lay eggs and be egg bound

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