➡➡ Kiki Speak

No, @gointothebirdsfarm is unintentionally messing up the quote by removing one of the necessary pieces or accidentally adding an unnecessary piece. She is causing the messed up quote for her which then causes a messed up quote for those that quote her.

She should use the reply button which will quote the intended message and put the cursor in the proper place to start typing the reply. I suspect that part of the problem is in getting in too big of a hurry to begin typing causing the reply to be separated by the quote which then causes a desire to fix it.

I know I do not eat right. I just gotta make an effort. And maybe you all will be enough to push me in that direction. Grocery store here I come.
You do know that if you eat crappy you will have issues, right?
If you eat better you will have less issues.

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