➡➡ Kiki Speak

I am caught up! Finally!
M'kay, so what's going on with this tea party thing? What're the rules?
Bones is going to start a thread with the real rules soon.
The fake rule is you must paint your toes before the party.
Bones is going to start a thread with the real rules soon.
The fake rule is you must paint your toes before the party.
Okay, sure. I have some nail polish in one of my drawers....
M'kay, I have a bunch of colors here -- a pretty dark green; a lighter jade green; some red/pink stuff that looks like the "classic" red lipstick in a bottle; light sky blue; darker... I dunno, hyacinth blue; pale pink; and kind of a violet purple.
I also have some silvery-blue and some hot pink, but I don't like those.
Which one should I use? I'm leaning towards the jade green, the lipstick red, or the hyacinth blue....
Looks delicious! Wait -- is that meatloaf over rice pilaf?
Oof, that's a lotta carbs! Eat some fiber with that stuff!
EDIT: Oh, it's cube steak. Why would you microwave cube steak? That stuff's expensive -- it deserves nothing less than a good, hot frying pan!
Nah just cube steak and Spanish/yellow rice lol

And cause it was cold!!! :lau

We cooked it normally at the time but then it’s been in the fridge. How else am I supposed to reheat everything? LOL

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