➡➡ Kiki Speak

Fears, and whatnot, eh? Topic of the day?
Mmmmkay. I'm not afraid of the water even though I nearly drowned as a child 3 separate times. Not afraid of heights. Love jumping off things into water. Would love to go skydiving. Would definitely vomit bungee jumping. Hate flying. Absolutely hate it. It's a claustrophobia/feeling trapped thing.
On a much more fun note, went out to hunt Christmas 🎄 in the wild. $5 tree tags to get them off the forest service roads. Beautiful day, and I even got a mini tree for the yurt. It's a Charlie Brown tree.
Stunning scenery 👌
One of them foggy days down below, but beautiful and clear up a bit higher.
My tree is hilarious. I don't even care. I just have to have a tree. I ran out of lights doing the yurt, so it's not lit up yet, but you can see the ancient ornaments and pizza star.
I tend to stay out of trees. I don't know how to climb much like heights.
I also tend to stay out of the woods... if I can't see the house or the driveway or some other such landmark, I'm too far.
No need to worry. If you get lost, just keep walking. Eventually you'll see something you recognize and then you're good. I've done it over and over but now I pretty much know where everything is, so no more interesting surprises. 🤷‍♀️
It took me a while to get used to the chairlifts at the ski place. I still sometimes don't like looking down. Looking back, however... beautiful view.
Oh, and my mind still sometimes likes to freak me out with thoughts (and images) of the cable snapping.
The lifts are about fifteen feet up... yeet.
As an Aircrew rescue swimmer, we trained, sitting in the cargo door for a)called "10 & 10" which is 10' at 10 knots. B) "15 & 0" which is 15' at 0 knots speeds respectively. However, the 1st number was ALWAYS a reference point to the Top of the waves and the speed was also +/- 5 - 11 knots once you take into consideration wind direction & wind speed. So if you have mild seas of say, 10' then your "10 & 10" could be as far as a 20'-ish drop. Is your in heavy seas, well. You get the idea now, right?
I'm scared of drowning so that's why I don't like heights + water landings. I know how to swim and float and all that, but still I have fears haha.

What?! You've had bungee cords break?? I'd die.

My heart stops in roller coasters where 6/7 year olds can ride on.
To have you work on that fear may I share a tidbit for your sub-conscious to chew on???
Muscles in your body are very similar to the spring your have in the sink. Squeeze in and all the oxygen is released, making it fence & this it sinks. Let it relax and it fills with air and it floats. That's why the survival technique called the "deadmans float" because when you paddle a few times to exhail and inhail a full lung of fresh air and then lay over face first into the water and let your feet droop and hold your arms out to the side like a scarecrow ***out front on top of the water like superman*** that is ideal floating for it will allow you to lay there for 45-90 seconds at a time for resting your body from having to treat water or swim.... Over a period of 15 minutes it's amazing how relaxed one becomes and how slow you can get your heart rate.
You'll find me a minimum of three feet away from the edge of a cliff, standing, or on my hands and knees a bit closer. Never leaning over or sitting on the edge itself.
I'm always with someone who freaks out if I get closer to the edge than ten feet. 🙄 When I'm alone they're still there in my head but it's easier to ignore them. 🤓 Seriously it does give me a bit of a rush sometimes, and I realize the edge could suddenly shear off (it happens), but seriously... it's been like that for a really, really long time and lots of people have prolly stood on it, so...
As an Aircrew rescue swimmer, we trained, sitting in the cargo door for a)called "10 & 10" which is 10' at 10 knots. B) "15 & 0" which is 15' at 0 knots speeds respectively. However, the 1st number was ALWAYS a reference point to the Top of the waves and the speed was also +/- 5 - 11 knots once you take into consideration wind direction & wind speed. So if you have mild seas of say, 10' then your "10 & 10" could be as far as a 20'-ish drop. Is your in heavy seas, well. You get the idea now, right?
I always wondered about people that leave aircraft before they are safely parked.

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