⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

I would assume it's part wild hog. Post the pic of that sow Baby D.
It’s my neighbors. He bought it as a pot belly, which I’m pretty sure it isn’t lol. It did come from a breeder, though-so I’m not sure if it would/could be part wild hog?
Also, he’s a year old and like the size of my puppy.
Na. My other boars have that and I know they have no wild blood.
The place we used to hunt took in a rescue razorback that would follow you around the hunting area wanting belly rubs :th She was similar in size/color/etc to that piggie and it only takes a couple generations to get domestic colors when breeding to razorbacks.
True!!!! But hey there’s nothing better than recycleable pets!!!! Always a steady stream of babies to play with and food in the freezer!!! :lau I just need about 100 acres and I’d be set!
No need to be greedy, I could probably do with 50 acres!

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