⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Might I suggest y’all consider getting the wheelbarrow with 2 wheels. I have found that the unit I got 4+ years ago was, & still is worth every penny! The added weight distribution & reduced wrist strain have really, really made turning while under load *SO MUCH* Easier!
100% agree, and the tires will never go flat, which was always a problem with the single wheels.

Y'all, I think I'm cursed when it comes to power tools.
My dad gave me a drill and a circular saw he no longer needed. Fantastic! Test out the drill, still works great. About to take it out for coop build Day 1 and the clutch jams. Dead. Game over. Ain't never going go again.
Ok, so I find another drill that someone is selling for cheap. Great! Pick it up on the weekend. Life is good. Screws are being drilled, structures are being built. Things are happening.
Then something weird starts going on with the saw. Doesn't want to saw as well. Finally just stops and refuses to go anymore. I figure the saw blade is just done had it, because it is pretty old, and sawing through steel/petrified wood pallets is no joke! Pick up another saw blade, except I can't get the old one off because the bolt is rusted on. I got some rust release stuff, but its not budging.
The ex graciously let's me borrow his circular saw because he's not using it any time soon. Alright, we're in business again! Walls are going up. Doors are being framed. Feeling pretty good about myself.
Then something funny starts happening with the *new* drill. The trigger button starts to catch. Won't stop when it should. Won't start when it should. Finally just goes caput. Now I'm stuck again! My dad is going to bring his hammer drill for me tomorrow to borrow, but I'm askeered! What if the power tool gods make *that one* stop working too!

Oooooh! You have powers!
Day before my big trip. Go out to the coop and find *three* growling hens in one nest box :thPoor DH is really gonna have his hands full dealing with that mess.
Dahlia, my big fat Black Orpington went broody. Silly bird has way too many eggs. I'm going to have to try and get some away from her.

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