⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Pool day
Excited Joy GIF by Kiszkiloszki
Practicing for the full Flower Moon dance?
I seriously thought about moving there. If I had the money, I'd seriously think about it again! I think I'd want to move to one of the towns near Rotorua.
I’ve been trying to convince my sis to go with me but she’s busy and I don’t want to go alone by myself cause it’s so far away. I’m not sure where I will want to live either…I’ll have to get a work visa and find a secure job first.
I’ve been trying to convince my sis to go with me but she’s busy and I don’t want to go alone by myself cause it’s so far away. I’m not sure where I will want to live either…I’ll have to get a work visa and find a secure job first.
Wellington or Auckland would be your best bet for jobs. Neither are close to Rotorua, but still decent places. Weta studios and the Te Papa museum are in Wellington. I didn't visit Auckland when I went there.

It was nice but strange that the entire country has less population than the SF Bay Area.

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