💥Rapid breathing 5-day old Brahma💥

What's the brooder temperature?

I looked again, & I think she just found the warmest spot, & it's just breathing differently to compensate for the warmer temp.
Under the light is 92, on the outskirts is 83-85. It's 70 today outside, and they are in a very well insulated shed. I have a second light up higher because it still drops to 30-40 at night. So I only have that on at night. They have been splayed out in the light area, so not overwarm, correct?
When I raised my chicks last year, my Sapphire Gem, Ducky, started breathing twice as fast as the others. I researched and it said it might be respiratory, so I picked up some VetRX and sprinkled it in their bedding. A couple days later she was perfectly fine, and is now the fastest bird in my flock haha. It could be nothing, but VetRX isn’t harmful for them so it’s worth a shot!
Unfortunately, my sweet Madeline had to be culled yesterday. It was definitely a respiratory thing. She began a snapping sound and became very weak very quickly. When she would drink, or we would give her water from an eye dropper she would aspirate. None of the other 11 are showing signs of anything like this. I did some research and there is a respiratory bacterium that they can catch when coming out of the egg. It won't transfer to any of the other chicks. It can be treated but not cured. Therefore, she would have forever been on antibiotic. Not something I want in my eggs. She was a sweetheart, and would always come right up to me, even at only 3 days old. But she was suffering, and I won't allow any of my animals to suffer.

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