🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

Got Princess Gerald's house clean. Now to make the jello shooters and finish food prep for tomorrow!

He's pretty!
Evening sinner folks! I dunno, I LIKE that feed bag. Dare to march to the beat of that different drummer!

For the past 3 days we've had a Luna Moth perched on our kitchen window screen. Beautiful creature. I woke up this morning and she finally left....meaning I have no excuse for not hosing off that screen now. :tongue
I love small tanks! Less maintenance lol. Yep, he's the only one in there.
small tanks are harder to mainiatain than larger tanks. But as long as you keep an eye on the water quality they are good.

My 110 gallon is awesome. I am hoping to bring it out of retirement this summer. Going to raise Tilapia in it prior to putting them in Big 250 gallon totes.

Evening sinner folks! I dunno, I LIKE that feed bag. Dare to march to the beat of that different drummer!

For the past 3 days we've had a Luna Moth perched on our kitchen window screen. Beautiful creature. I woke up this morning and she finally left....meaning I have no excuse for not hosing off that screen now. :tongue
The moth did serve purpose!
small tanks are harder to mainiatain than larger tanks. But as long as you keep an eye on the water quality they are good.

My 110 gallon is awesome. I am hoping to bring it out of retirement this summer. Going to raise Tilapia in it prior to putting them in Big 250 gallon totes.

I didn't phrase that very well. 🤣

Less to clean with one fish in a small tank. More water maintenance due to the small parameters.

I've got a 125 that's been retired for probably 10+ years. I keep telling myself I'm going to set it back up one day. Been enjoying the vacation from saltwater.

That sounds like an awesome idea for your 110! I've always wanted to do a hillstream tank and put some sculpins, darters, white clouds and raspboras in it.

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