🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

Another wonderful day at Reddogmaster Acres! Hot and Humid...AGAIN! Should change sometime soon...like OCTOBER!

Chicken Wings were excellent yesterday! Mrs Reddogmaster made a quick run to the Piggly Wiggly to pick up something for me to grill and maybe an adult beverage or 12...

Worked for exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes around the Coop and Barn this morning and it was BRUTAL, even at mid morning.

My tractor is in the shop, (Danged enewfangled government EPA requirements on Diesel engines are killing me!) so I just may lounge around again today. Son1 may stop by and use my shop, he's building something for his fiance and it will be great to see him!

Chickens are happy and healthy, the Dogs seem to love me and Mrs Reddogmaster is still a smokin HOT old gal...life is pretty good!

Enjoy the great day Binners!
Another wonderful day at Reddogmaster Acres! Hot and Humid...AGAIN! Should change sometime soon...like OCTOBER!

Chicken Wings were excellent yesterday! Mrs Reddogmaster made a quick run to the Piggly Wiggly to pick up something for me to grill and maybe an adult beverage or 12...

Worked for exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes around the Coop and Barn this morning and it was BRUTAL, even at mid morning.

My tractor is in the shop, (Danged enewfangled government EPA requirements on Diesel engines are killing me!) so I just may lounge around again today. Son1 may stop by and use my shop, he's building something for his fiance and it will be great to see him!

Chickens are happy and healthy, the Dogs seem to love me and Mrs Reddogmaster is still a smokin HOT old gal...life is pretty good!

Enjoy the great day Binners!
You seem as happy as a pig in chit - good for you :highfive:
Chickens are out and treated for mites this morning, breakfast has been cooked and consumed, looking forward to one more cup of coffee before we head out to put up the summer's shade cloth on the runs. Every year, I swear I'm going to come up with something permanent so I don't have to do this every spring and fall, and every year, I fail to do it. Oh well.:idunno
Yeah my plan as well. I am moving home on a part time basis while they finish the house propper I am going to live in my Art Studio. My place is in the High Desert of San Diego County. About three thousand feet.

Been using tarps now for seventeen years. Now I am at the point where I cannot do the tarp thing any more. I am going to rebuild the Coop moving it to a new location. Easier access closer to the horse corral and going to run a dedicated water line to each. Been using hoses too for seventeen years. I get two years out of one hose. Not bad.

It gets hot here and very windy so when i put the tarps up over the chainlink tops I have to run a zig zag of rope to hold them down. Makes em last longer too.

The next iteration of poultry housing will be a 24 x 24 Poultry house with room for feed storage and an aisle that is wheel chair accessible. (planning for the possible future) The main goal also is to provide a full on Roof to cover the structure. I have enough tin roofing from an old horse shelter to do half of the roof. We do get snow but not more than Three or four days at a time. The chickens can handle it.

Our main nemisis here is the wind. I have found Steel trash cans 100 feet out in the Chaparal. It blew down two horse shades untill I hired a Pipe corral company to build me one that can withstand the snow load and wind gusts up to 80 miles an hour.

Another wonderful day at Reddogmaster Acres! Hot and Humid...AGAIN! Should change sometime soon...like OCTOBER!

Chicken Wings were excellent yesterday! Mrs Reddogmaster made a quick run to the Piggly Wiggly to pick up something for me to grill and maybe an adult beverage or 12...

Worked for exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes around the Coop and Barn this morning and it was BRUTAL, even at mid morning.

My tractor is in the shop, (Danged enewfangled government EPA requirements on Diesel engines are killing me!) so I just may lounge around again today. Son1 may stop by and use my shop, he's building something for his fiance and it will be great to see him!

Chickens are happy and healthy, the Dogs seem to love me and Mrs Reddogmaster is still a smokin HOT old gal...life is pretty good!

Enjoy the great day Binners!
sounds like a wonderful day...


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