šŸšØ PLEASE HELP Prolapsed Cloaca šŸšØ


Jun 11, 2021
My hen got a prolapsed cloaca on May 31st. My mother is a veterinarian so it wasnā€™t anything she hadnā€™t seen before. She used sugar water and stuck it back in on June 1st and 2nd. She started her on Baytril (antibiotics). Of course we went out of town on the 2nd, so our neighbor who was an AG teacher was kind enough to continue the antibiotics until the 6th. She had a hard egg inside of her on the 1st and layed it because on the 2nd when my Mother checked it, there was a soft one. It broke so she had to lavage the heck out of her insides like a cow. I also caught her pooping a solid dropping on the 2nd and today. We just flew back last night and today when I checked her, it looked the same. Her cloaca is still very moist and my other girls havenā€™t pecked her intestines outšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. She is still acting normal. ā€˜Emeraldā€™ is a year and a half old. She weighs 6-8 lbs and is a Cuckoo Maran. She is eating and drinking fine. I need immediate help. She is so sweet and I donā€™t want her to suffer anymore. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0MeAr9hIxRx9DrEeipnxxYWjQ
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