1.5-week-old Salmon Faverolle chick is resting more, less active than she had been


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2020
I am raising chicks for the first time. My four chicks are 11 days old--a Salmon Faverolle, a Wyandotte, a Wellsummer, and an Easter Egger. They're in a cardboard brooder in the house with a heating pad warmer, a well-stocked chick feeder with chick feed from the nearby friendly feed store, a chick waterer, and grit that I put in a jar lid and also sprinkle near the feeder. They've been doing great, spending their days running around their brooder, cheeping and trying out their wings, then running to the warmer and huddling together for a few minutes, then back to running around. We've been weighing them every week and they are gaining quickly. But the Salmon Favorelle is less active the last day or two than she had been and less active than the other birds today. Prior than that, she had been part of the gang, doing what the others were doing. She is eating and drinking, no signs of pasty butt, no obvious injuries, but last night and today she spends quite a bit more time lying down under the warmer than she used to and more than the other chicks do. I watched her eating a few minutes ago, and she rested on her belly while eating, which is not something she did before and not something the other birds do. Am I worrying too much? Is there anything I should be looking for? Anything I should try that might help her? I'll post a couple photos taken just minutes ago. Thank you all for your help with my earlier worries/questions!!
SalmonFavorelle5 31 21-3.jpg SalmonFaverolle5 31 21.jpg SalmonFavorelle5 31 21-3 (1).jpg
i know this is a year later, but what happened with that chick? from what you described it sounded like coccidiosis- were you feeding them medicated feed?
As long as it's eating and drinking I wouldn't worry too much. It looks healthy.
Thank you--I was worrying too much. I've decide that she's just a little different from the others, maybe younger or slower to mature? She didn't get up on the roost as early as the others. She also is quicker to accept treats from me. She's doing just great, though, has lots of beautiful feathers now.
i know this is a year later, but what happened with that chick? from what you described it sounded like coccidiosis- were you feeding them medicated feed?
Thanks for asking! Actually, it's just a few weeks since I made this worried post. No, I am not feeding them medicated feed. Thankfully, we have a great feed store close by and they've given me great advice as far as feed, etc. I think (?) what I was seeing was just her different style, or maybe a maturation rate that's a little slower than the others. She never developed any symptoms other than her tendency to hunker down on the floor of the brooder more than the other chicks, and less of an interest in the roost or a desire to fly when I opened the top of the brooder. She's looking great now--lots of lovely feathers! We weigh the chicks every week, and she started out the lightest, but has gained the greatest percentage in body weight every week--during her second week she gained 52% of her body weight! The Welsummer started out second-to-lightest, and is now the lightest of the group, but she's doing well, too--she gained between 32% and 47% body weight each week.
Would also like to know what happened to this chick, mine was acting the same way
Sorry for the late reply! How is your chick doing? As I said in my other replies, my Salmon Favorelle is doing just fine, in fact she has gained the highest percentage each week. I hope yours is doing well. This is my first time raising chicks, and I guess having a mixed group like I do has been a lesson in the fact that these birds have slightly different genetics, so have different styles, slightly different growth rates?

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