1 air cell not growing;hatching in 5 days HELP! Update: didn't make it

Oh, I see
But sticky and shrink wrapped aren't the same
It's fine now to open the bator because, like I mentioned, nothing's happening yet, no pips so they can't get shrink wrapped yet
Anyway - it's already nice and damp in there

Thanks for the info about the egg
I'm affraid it's a bit too late - I'm going to leave it now since I don't want to turn/reposition it anymore. We'll see (I'm not expecting it to hatch).
Ok, so it didn't hatch. I opened the egg, slowly, just in case it was alive but no, it wasn't. It didn't even try to hatch and I wanted to know why. The yolk was really large and when I took its head out from under the wing I've noticed it was slightly deformed. And the neck was kind of swollen
So I'm actually glad it didn't hatch
There's one more egg I need to open. I think it died a few days ago but I wasn't sure and decided to leave it. The rest hatched (well, nearly - one still in the shell but pipped).
That's... Peculiar. Do you live in a very moist area, or is there any way the incubator room is very moist? Sounds very much like a case of humidity being too high... I've heard a swollen neck can be due to malnutrition in the parents, but... Also can be due to excess humidity.
No, I don't think it was due to the humidity. There was no water in the incubator throughout the whole process of incubation and it's not particularly humid here. The other eggs and chicks were fine. And their air cells were growing normally. But - I think there was something wrong with evaporation from this egg which would give you the same effect as with too high humidity?
Ah okay, if it's just one egg... Yes, sometimes there are abnormalities in individual eggs. I've had something like that happen to me before.

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