1 Month 2 day old rooster looks like he's gagging and does it all the time


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Indianola, Iowa
I have a black sex link cockeral and he looks like he's gagging on something and pushes his neck in and out and closes his eyes when he does it... eats and drinks fine but it kindve worries me... been doing it for about 5 days now... help!!

Welcome to BYC!

Is he doing it constantly? Tomorrow morning, first thing before he eats anything, feel his crop. It should be empty first thing in the morning. He could be having some sort of crop issues. If it is full, soft and squishy, he may have a slow or sour crop.

You might want to post this question in our emergency section for more help with this....


I hope you can figure out what is going on with your boy.
The crop is the area on the right side of the breast. Crops usually have food in them all day long on healthy chickens. So if you go outside right now, just so you know where a crop is, and run your hand down the chickens rights side breast, you will feel a big lump there. That is food in the crop. All birds should have an empty crop every morning. They will be full all day. But should be completely empty in the morning.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! TwoCrows gave you some good advice, and X2 on post in the Emergencies forum TwoCrows linked for you. You might also check his mouth that he doesn't have string or something caught in his tongue or throat.

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