1 year old hen has watery poop, shaking, panting, inconsistently shelled eggs - what's wrong??


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
My one year old Golden Laced Wyandotte hen has been like this for several days. At first she laid thin shelled eggs infrequently and we assumed it was a lack of calcium, so we gave her more. It worked for a little while, but recently it got more frequent and she's had watery poop, has been shaking (only noticeable when holding her), panting hard and loudly while holding her wings out. These behaviors come and go within a day. She's not overheated or cold. She acts fine, clucking, purring on the roost, clear eyes, eating, and drinking.
I don't know what's wrong and any help would be much appreciated!!
Have you checked for any sort of pests? Mites, lice, etc. Check the vent and under the wings for lice clusters, check the coop area for mites. Also check her throat for worms. Gapeworms are small and red, and they live in the throat of affected birds. If she's really that sickly and lets you hold her, take a q tip and swab down her throat with it and check for them. If it comes out clean, that's not it. It could be that she's getting ready to molt, or getting ready to take the winter off. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but best of luck to you!
start sprinkling food grade diatomaceous earth earth in her food. Start adding Apple Cider Vinegar to her water, It needs to be the one with live culture AKA the Mother in it. You may want to go to the meatie threads and check out fermented feed.
Have you checked for any sort of pests? Mites, lice, etc. Check the vent and under the wings for lice clusters, check the coop area for mites. Also check her throat for worms. Gapeworms are small and red, and they live in the throat of affected birds. If she's really that sickly and lets you hold her, take a q tip and swab down her throat with it and check for them. If it comes out clean, that's not it. It could be that she's getting ready to molt, or getting ready to take the winter off. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but best of luck to you!

Thank you so much for your reply!
Checked for lice and mites, found none (thank goodness). I swabbed her throat and it came out clean except for some dirt? No redness or worms on it. What does this mean?

She's doing much better, the only symptom still there is the really watery poop. I haven't seen a solid one from her in a long time. Eggs are normal againI've been giving her diatomaceous earth, oyster shell, chili powder (worm preventative, just in case), and grit, in addition to her regular layer feed. And interestingly enough, a mix of ACV and NutriDrench in her water that seems to have helped fight off the other symptoms as she got better soon after I started adding more NutriDrench.
Based on her seemingly better health, do you have any ideas on what could have been wrong?
Thanks again!
start sprinkling food grade diatomaceous earth earth in her food. Start adding Apple Cider Vinegar to her water, It needs to be the one with live culture AKA the Mother in it. You may want to go to the meatie threads and check out fermented feed.

Thanks so much for your reply!
I had been giving her DE in her feed, but when I saw your post I upped the amount. I also started adding the ACV you recommended and more NutriDrench than I had been giving her and saw improvement. My above post explains her current condition, I didn't want to post twice so I wouldn't clutter the thread.
Thanks again!
she might have been egg bound. I found my pullet with same panting shaking head down then she passed an egg and was fine thank God but those same symptoms sound like she was having trouble passing the egg. if it happens again give her a calcium pill and a warm bath massage her belly and you can also give her a lubricant in the vent but use something that won't go rancid like KY jelly to help her out. best wishes.

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