Hello, I was wondering if there are any clues, hints or wives tales as to determining the gender of my new chicks. I have a Porcelain, Cochin and a Mills De' Fleur. Any suggestions, advice, tips, etc. Are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
At this age and under red light it will be impossible to tell, give them a few weeks as those breeds can comb up quick in my experience. By 3-4 weeks the early bloomers will start to show and by 8 weeks there should be no doubt.
Thank you guys. I have a 1 year old Porcelain Roo, so I have high hopes for a hen lol Then I have 2 10 month old Mottled Cochin Hens, so I'm hoping for a roo there. As for the Mille, either or is fine.
Bantams mature faster than large breeds. So at around 8 weeks or so its fairly obvious what sex they are. And all of yours are single combed breeds "assuming you mean porcelain and millie fleur d'Uccles" so that will make it that much easier.