10-day old chick In distress...


May 12, 2022
HELP! One of my chicks is in distress. I cleaned the butt off this one twice in the last week. I think it may be my rooster too. It's smaller and not thriving but right now it's so lethargic I don't know what to do. Brought it outside for 10-15 min to stand on the grass but it didn't really want to explore much either. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you!
Try giving it some electrolyte water and egg yolks. What are you feeding him? And what is his brooder like? Here's a recipe for the electrolyte water.
1 Cup Water
2 tsp. Sugar
1/8 tsp. Baking Soda
1/8 tsp. Salt
Try giving it some electrolyte water and egg yolks. What are you feeding him? And what is his brooder like? Here's a recipe for the electrolyte water.
1 Cup Water
2 tsp. Sugar
1/8 tsp. Baking Soda
1/8 tsp. Salt
Thank you. I'm trying it now. He doesn't want to drink or eat but I keep putting his beak into a small spoon of it and he gets a little at time. Takes a min. or two or half a teaspoon maybe....I'm feeding them the chick crumb mash non-GMO
With the symptoms being lethargy and lack of appetite I would treat for coccidiosis. Dosage:
Liquid Corid: 2tsp per gallon of water. Make a fresh batch daily for 5-7 days with this being their only source of drinking water.
Powder Corid: 1.5tsp per gallon of water. Make a fresh batch daily for 5-7 days with this being their only source of drinking water.

If you get the liquid corid you can give the sick chick 2 drops of the undiluted corid 1-2 times a day for 3 days, in addition to the chick drinking the corid water.
What's their diet? How hot is the brooder?
I'm getting the Non-GMO chick crumble and the brooder is between 85-90 but they move away from the heat lamp. Last week when I got them they liked 90-95, but not now. I've put the lamp up higher now too.
With the symptoms being lethargy and lack of appetite I would treat for coccidiosis. Dosage:
Liquid Corid: 2tsp per gallon of water. Make a fresh batch daily for 5-7 days with this being their only source of drinking water.
Powder Corid: 1.5tsp per gallon of water. Make a fresh batch daily for 5-7 days with this being their only source of drinking water.

If you get the liquid corid you can give the sick chick 2 drops of the undiluted corid 1-2 times a day for 3 days, in addition to the chick drinking the corid water.
I’m jumping in with a similar question. I have one chick they won’t be quiet and seems hungry all the time. She drinks sometimes but not often. I was thinking she could be constipated and tried a little olive oil (she wasn’t thrilled). I checked for pasty butt and there was none but cleaned the area. Right after that she pooped a little but nothing more.

In the beginning, she was living in pine shavings but they were all eating it and she was not eating food so I removed the bedding which means there is a chance she ate poop. 😒

She runs around searching for food, but occasionally seems lethargic (it’s random). It could literally be that she’s constipated because her under belly feels pretty hard.

My question here is, should I treat for Coccidiosis just in case or can that be harmful if they don’t have it? I have corid on hand.

If not, does anyone have a trick for getting a chick to poop?
I’m jumping in with a similar question. I have one chick they won’t be quiet and seems hungry all the time. She drinks sometimes but not often. I was thinking she could be constipated and tried a little olive oil (she wasn’t thrilled). I checked for pasty butt and there was none but cleaned the area. Right after that she pooped a little but nothing more.

In the beginning, she was living in pine shavings but they were all eating it and she was not eating food so I removed the bedding which means there is a chance she ate poop. 😒

She runs around searching for food, but occasionally seems lethargic (it’s random). It could literally be that she’s constipated because her under belly feels pretty hard.

My question here is, should I treat for Coccidiosis just in case or can that be harmful if they don’t have it? I have corid on hand.

If not, does anyone have a trick for getting a chick to poop?
It’s definitely not harmful to treat for coccidiosis just in case since corid is a coccidiostat and not an antibiotic! Better safe than sorry. You can give chicks a tiny bit of solid coconut oil to help any constipation.
It’s definitely not harmful to treat for coccidiosis just in case since corid is a coccidiostat and not an antibiotic! Better safe than sorry. You can give chicks a tiny bit of solid coconut oil to help any constipation.
Do you happen to know the corid to water dosage. The instructions on the bottle is… interesting.

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