10 Tips for a Cooler Coop

My DH talked about putting an old ceiling fan in the coop, but I'm afraid they will fly into it and get hurt.

I think we will go with the box fan idea.
would there be a way you could frame it up on the sides like make a box with 2x4's and put hardware cloth over it so they can't get into it? You know just close it in so to speak.

Sorry the pic does not show much. The roof is insulated, with air channels between the tin and the insulation - the ridge is vented. For the chicken's pleasure I think there is probably 60' foot of perch space - due to rafters ;), with 24' of those being set at 2' (which is where they mostly roost - but some like to get to the 5' bars.

The wheels are (in theory) levered down (there is a slot for a 2x4) to lift the tractor. I still need to put in the locks to keep them down.

It currently is facing the south - but is letting in very little direct sunlight. It will let in more sunlight as the seasons change. The north wall is solid form 2' up.
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