100 Pictures of Our Flocks: A Community Picture Project

As of this post, we are ALL FULL for the following themes:

3. a wet bird

6. fuzzy butts

8. new additions

22. a close-up

23. spoiled birds

24. a house chicken

39. a mixed flock

51. interesting interactions

61. a caption-worthy shot

68. the man of the flock

75. a classy portrait

84. a community dustbath

94. a really BIG egg

And finally, 96. a handsome man


Also, as of this post, we've checked off more than half of the themes!! :ya Thanks, everyone, for all the entries!!
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PHEW! Okay, everyone is added up to this post!
83 or 89? She's a frizzle, so always all fluffed out, or running away because her legs are blurry because she is walking away from me. She says, "mom, why you always chasing me with the camera?" LOL

Yes that would be a house chicken casually walking around my living room. Just don't tell the neighbours, they think I am crazy enough already.
Quote: Oooooo I am getting five of these to add to my flock in May. They are called Plymouth Rocks here (Manitoba) They are so beautiful

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