100 Pictures of Our Flocks: A Community Picture Project

i have got the laying song in action!!!!!!!!! but it is on video is it okay if  i can take it again on the camera but i has no sound is that okay?


Almost missed this, sorry! I would much prefer all entries are pictures, not videos, but you're welcome to share it here if you'd like. :)
As of this post, these are the themes that have not been checked yet:

15. a hen-squat

29. seasonal colors

58. when it's too hot to free range

These are the themes that are checked, but STILL OPEN for entries:

1. what birds to in the rain

7. a lucky bird

9. flock bed-time

12. a face only a mother could love

13. an unlucky bird

21. a show of happiness

25. sharing

26. awkwardness

31. a swarm

33. rafter birds

34. an explosive molt

35. insanity!

36. the most eggs in one box by the hens

37. the prettiest egg basket

38. the most birds in one picture

41. a warm winter snack

42. a cool summer snack

43. 'round the coop

45. a smart bird

47. the cutest girlies

48. the cutest boys

49. a shady spot to nap

50. muddy feet

52. a flock at peace

53. a bird silhouette

54. a bird's first egg

55. ruffled feathers

57. a special delivery

59. a beautiful egg

60. an odd egg

63. brothers

65. a visitor

66. puddle play

69. teenagers

70. one old bird

71. birds in deep snow

73. evidence!

74. lost feathers

76. a reflection

77. windswept birds

80. birds at play

81. a day in the life of a bird

87. follow the leader

88. a bird coming over

89. a bird running AWAY!

91. a place *obviously* meant for birds

92. the egg song in action

93. a really fresh egg

I will have to turn down entries to any themes not listed in this post!

Remember that all pictures must be taken on or after
March 1, 2013.

I don't expect some of these themes to be checked or filled any time soon.​

We need more entries to 37. the prettiest egg basket, 47. the cutest girlies, and 48. the cutest boys so that I can start up the voting for them. :)
Almost missed this, sorry! I would much prefer all entries are pictures, not videos, but you're welcome to share it here if you'd like.

Okay i have to do a picture because i can't send the video to my email off my phone and i can't take a video of it off the camera so i will do a picture!!
Curious about seasonal colors. What sort of barnyard birds change color? Or am I misunderstanding the topic?

My thought was any color that makes you think of a certain season, whether it be feathers or a bird wearing a hen apron or maybe against a backdrop of something seasonal like lights or something? Be creative, and if you need to, explain your picture. I'm sure I'll get it. ;)

Just wondering if you saw my entry for #57 Special Delivery on page 46 (entry number 459).  Thanks for all your hard work!!

It was accepted and added. :D Thanks for entering.

This would be under number 9 I think.

Sad to say that from this picture 5 were killed
by the dog. The Silkies on the left side that
you can't see were also killed.
I just loved going in to the shed here and say
night prayers with them. And sing them a song.
Buff Catalanas i guess are considered rare - they are a dual purpose Mediterranean breed - good layers, said to be little shy, but mine come running for treats - i think if i had spent a lot of time with them as chicks ...they'd be all over me.... I thought my Blue Andalusians were big, compared to the Buttercups and Fayoumis they were, but these guys a way bigger and a true dual purpose breed. Great foragers and said to be heat tolerant....we'll find out when in the summer heat ...they are a bit big to the THAT heat tolerant ...I added some more pics just for fun. Ian case you want to pick up some - 5 of the roos are available.

WOw, they are great. I'm gonna have to get some now. Do you know what "makes" them?

I live in Australia...nuff said. No way I could get them from you.lol.

They are beautiful. Can't wait to track some down. Thanks for sharing!

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