107 Degrees today....Misters??

I set up a single mister stick, worked pretty good in the hen house the one night, outside it just blew away. HOWEVER! it blew out my water hose. Any suggestions on how to keep the hose from swellin up like something dead and then busting? I would like to put the mister back in hen house for a couple hours after they go to bed coz its still nearly 100 here at 10pm.

pam in TX
It takes time for chickens to get used to new things. Mine are still freaked out by a new dish I started giving them treats in two weeks ago.

At first, ours stayed away from the misters, too. Now when I turn them on, most run right over there.
I've put a sprinkler on for them, which they avoid. I gave them a small wading pool, which they also avoid. They do seem to like the wet ground after I turn the water off though, so I hose out the run a couple times a day for them. They will stand in small tin pans of water, and of course they eat all the frozen treats I put out for them. They really like the froze watermellon rinds! I have a fan in one of the coop windows at night too. So far they're hanging in there. I don't know how long it will take them to actually let the water from the sprinkler hit them, or if they ever will. They act like it's spraying acid on them!

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