108 degrees.!

Mint in the water? I have not heard this - can you tell me more? I have an abundance of mint but I never gave it to chickens. They have had a few opportunities to eat it but they didn't seem interested.
Oh I totally forgot about cold watermelon! We've been using that all summer. I stocked up when the stores had super sales at memorial day and 4th of July. (not they are almost 5$ each, craziness).

I keep them cold and dark in the cellar and then the night before I give them to the girls toss one in the fridge and then just split it in half and let them at it.

They gut the poor thing and leave a rind full of watermelon juice at the end of the day, which draws delicious flies. The next day they drink the juice. Then I toss the rind in the compost pile.

As for mint, I tear it into small pieces and freeze it in cubes. It has a cooling property when mixed with water and gives the birds something to pick at in the ice as it melts. Think about when you've had a piece of mint gum and then taken a swig of water. The water feels colder. I don't know what the weird chemical reaction is with your tongue, but I'm sure it has some fancy name. There are even bottled waters out there with mint mixed in for that special cooling feeling :D
I've tried rinds :/ my girls don't like them they are weird. I made sure to get a corn free feed for them and they have a wading pool and I shade the whole run. I'm too scared about 110 weather though
so I bring them inside and put them in the bath tub with the doors shut :b that way they stay nice and cool and alive.!
I've tried rinds
my girls don't like them they are weird. I made sure to get a corn free feed for them and they have a wading pool and I shade the whole run. I'm too scared about 110 weather though
so I bring them inside and put them in the bath tub with the doors shut :b that way they stay nice and cool and alive.!

I'm with you. I would rather have live chickens than dead ones. !

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