11 Week Old Buff Orpington - Hen or Rooster?


6 Years
Jun 9, 2013
Sagamore Hills, OH
My wife and I recently ordered 15 chicks from Meyer Hatchery and one of our Buff Orpingtons is standing out from the other 4 (1st pic). The others look like the one in the second pic.

Any help/thoughts on what sex the first chicken is would be greatly appreciated

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If he's standing out as different, I would guess probably roo! I'm no expert though! But other than the larger comb not sure I see other roo features. Does he/she behave differently?
That one has sturdy legs and a lot of comb for a hen at 11 weeks. My bet would be rooster. I am NOT an expert but am a momma of two buff Orpington hens who are 1 year olds. Your chickens are lucky to live in that fabulous expanse!
I think the first is a roo. It has a large red comb and if you look closley at the tail it is starting to arch and curve like a roos tail would. Whil.e the second which is a pullet has a small light comb and a strait tail.He also has pretty thick legs.
Thank you for all of your replies. We were leaning rooster because of the difference in tail feathers, the developing red comb/waddles, and his bolder disposition (he will run right up to us while the others are still a little shy).
First pic is a roo, second is a pullet. He also has more red coloring around his wings/shoulders that females don't have.

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