11 wks old and hardly any tail feathers and still lots of fuzz-pic!


9 Years
Mar 27, 2010
Yorktown, Virginia

It is not easy to really see, but shouldn't my pullet be tail feathered in by now? I mean my other three are. I don't have a front shot, but no prominent comb, so not a roo. I hope. I just think it is odd to see so much fuzz.
Hi there! Some chicks mature faster than others, also, my grown hens are still fuzzy and fluffy around the butt. Hope this helps.
It took one of my girls until 13 weeks to catch up with her sisters! I wouldn't worry too much, as long as she is getting pleanty of food & not being bullied. I gave my slower one vitamins and extra protein in the form of scrambled eggs. She was less feathered out, and about a third the size of the others. Around 12 weeks she had a growth spurt, and caught right up!
ALL my pullets have fluffy butts. I call them their "panties." They look so darned cute when they bend over and show their panties, the hussies.

They do have tail feathers, though.... but I wouldn't worry. Suddenly you'll notice," Wow, they're looking like real chickens now!" And then later, again, you'll notice, "Wow, they got combs and wattles! When did that happen??"

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