12.5 week old bantam cochin, pullet or roo?

Pullets that are one day shy of 16 weeks. A pullet should not (I say should because it can happen) have that much color before 20+ weeks. They should never have wattles that developed at 12.5 weeks.
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You have a cockerel.
Love your mottled one. We’ve been trying to get another mottled but the one we had in the last batch died at a few days old
Ugh, sorry they are sideways. This one has more comb and wattle size and color than its partridge-colored counterpart, but no crowing, and way less comb and wattle than our previous black BC roo did at the same age. What’s your verdict?
Hmmm I think it could go either way honestly, I had a Brochin Bantam (BrahmaxCochin) and at the same age he looked like this
the comb and waddle growth on your leads me to believe roo, however yours doesn’t seem to have any decoration yet. I would keep an eye and “him” and check his hackle feathers and see if he’s getting any pointy feathers. We also have a Cochin Bantam hen who looks kinda similar, but we didn’t raise her from a chick like we did the roo, we only got her recently. So idk what she’s looked like at 12 weeks.
I feel like this one could go either way. He/she has a big comb and wattles for 12.5 weeks, but I feel like he/she would have more if it were a cockerel. I think I'm leaning towards cockerel for now, but it could still be a girl.
I feel like this one could go either way. He/she has a big comb and wattles for 12.5 weeks, but I feel like he/she would have more if it were a cockerel. I think I'm leaning towards cockerel for now, but it could still be a girl.
One thing is for sure, It's definitely a chicken! (Well that's something, anyways) :confused:

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