12 + ameraunas and blue cochin hatching eggs


9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
I have eggs from My ameraunas and my blue standard cochin hens. the roo is a red brown frizzle standard cochin. they are nice big eggs.the cochin are giving me nice brown color eggs and the ameruanas are give pink,light blue and olvie color eggs. had a very good hatch here 98 % But cant say the same when they are ship.will send more eggs if the hens will work with me the last bid I sent 15 eggs so I will do my best and send the same. these are beautiful chickens the cochins are only blue But the ameraunas are white, partridge, blue buff, wheat, blue. cant say what colors you will get but they are very cute chickes some will have feather leggs and some will not also some will be frizzle and some will not. email me for pics. shipping is 11.00 happy bidding and thank you for bidding.
I will have more amerucanas But who knows what they give and I put an A for amerucanas and C for cochin. I can send pics. But it will be after the acution ends cause i have to email to you. and that take me a while to be able to do that.But I still can email to you.
Woohoo! My first eggs from an outside source! Im so excited and I hope I can add some color to my black cochins and get some colorful eggs from the EEs.My incubator is ready to go! Please tell me how to pay? I have never did this online thing before.

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