12+ Black Java large fowl eggs for sale


9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Edelstein, IL
Rare Black Java heritage breed. My flock is of the Garfield Farm Museum lines. Occasionally they will produce an Auburn or White chick, but no mottled. Great foragers, dual purpose, and good layers of a medium sized brown egg. Hens will occasionally go broody- 1 out my dozen hens(I use her then for extras that wouldn't fit in the incubator).

I will ship on Monday via USPS Priority Mail.

Unfortunately, since eggs are to be shipped- hatching cannot be guaranteed. I have had excellent fertilty/hatching in my own incubators at home.

Paypal is preferred, but please contact me- we can arrange other payment for another batch of eggs.

Thank you for looking!
Will you have more eggs available in late summer or fall? I'm very interested, but I need to build the coop for them first.
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Yes, I will have eggs available. I will also have White Java eggs available later this spring.

I've been looking for some black java's from Garfield Farm Museum .Can you tell me how many generations removed they are?
Also how long before you think your whites will be ready and are they also from Garfield Farm Museum ?
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I received my birds (both black and white) from Tim Christakos at the Museum of Science and Industry in 2007. I'm still using one each of the original black and white roosters. The pullets from that group are still in my flock, but I have also kept one of the black male who hatched with auburn color and retained gold tinting to his wings. The replacement pullets that I have kept were also auburn as chicks, but are solid black as adults. I selectively kept whites with willow legs, and selling (to people for backyard flocks) or butchering the rest. I will be separating my whites sometime this weekend if the weather holds, so watch for eggs in 2 weeks or so.

I purchased eggs from Lora in 2009 as the starting point of my Java Flock. They are gorgeous birds that grew larger and faster than any of the other Java's I have hatched out. I was lucky enough to hatch out Blacks, Blacks with Auburn gene, and one White roo. These are great birds!

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