12+ BO Hatching Eggs/ $20 includes s&h/ Ships 3/23/09 [closed]


11 Years
Jan 30, 2008
Beaufort, South Carolina
I packed up my last shipment of BO eggs I am due to ship tonight and I am ready to take another order...

I will ship 12+ eggs for $20, these on Monday (March 23rd)

I have worked very hard on my Buff Orpington lines and the pictures just dont do them justice.. I am still working on improving my lines because as many say, "there is always room for improvement". I want to reassure customers, my birds are not mixed in a flock with other chickens, as Buff Orpingtons are the only adult chickens I currently own, the RIR's and WLH's you see in the background in some pictures are because I took those last year and thats when they were 5-6months old. All money made on my chickens goes BACK into them 100%.

I wrap each egg in bubble wrap and mark the box with, "FRAGILE", "LIVE EMBRYOS" and "HATCHING EGGS" ... I have had great luck with my current shipping method.

I have tested my BO fertility 10-11 times this year and I have gotten 100% fertile and 98%-100% hatches in my own incubators... I always send lots of extras.. around 14-18 eggs.
(maybe more!)

For more information on my Buff Orpingtons please visit my BYC page, or my website.

If you would like to order some eggs for shipment on a later week, PM me and we will pick out a date and I will PM you two weeks prior for payment...



PayPal Email: [email protected] [Post SOLD]
Here are some pictures:




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