12+ Cochin (possible Frizzle) eggs and/or 4+ Turkey eggs


11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
Lakeland, FL
I am overrum with Cochin eggs! In this pen I have all Mottled roos (1 black mottled, 2 blue mottled, and 1 frizzle splash mottled) over blue mottled hens, BBS hens, buff barred hens, and 1 red hen. These are really just for fun right now since I don't have them all split up. I can send 12+ for $25 including shipping.

I also have turkeys laying right now and I'm not planning on hatching any this year. I have Royal Palm hens in with Royal Palm x Bourbon Red mixed toms. I only have 2 hens, so I will send 4-6 eggs, depening on how giving they are. $25 including the shipping.

I can of course combine these 2 items with less shipping cost.
LF or Bantam?

I am overrum with Cochin eggs! In this pen I have all Mottled roos (1 black mottled, 2 blue mottled, and 1 frizzle splash mottled) over blue mottled hens, BBS hens, buff barred hens, and 1 red hen. These are really just for fun right now since I don't have them all split up. I can send 12+ for $25 including shipping.

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