12 day old Easter egger chick seems weird


Apr 13, 2020
Norwell, Massachusetts
She is one of 8 chicks all 12 days old. The easter egger over the past 2 days has been not as active as others but can walk and get up quickly when she wishes and is taking water and chick food. She is also lying on her side; alternating between sides and has one leg outstretched. There is no sign of injury and the others are not picking on her. She is not panting or drooping her head. They have all had Mereks vaccine. Not sure if I should be worried. All the chicks are starting to get some feathers. I change water 1-2 x a day and fill up food once a day and clean out the bedding ( compressed wood pellets). Thank you for your help.
Sounds like the sunning themselves position. How warm is your brooder.
Now day 17 for chicks. Im trying to keep it between 85 and 90. They all seem comfortable, not all collected under light or all avoiding it. The sunning position is great to think about. The chick seems fine now but most definitely is not as perky as the others. I guess time will tell.

Thank you so much for your help.

Does it look at all like this:

bathing.jpg bathing2.jpg

If so, she is just enjoying some heat / sunbathing :) My one EE loves it more than any of my other 5 girls :)
Yes That is it!! Wow thank you. I feel better. Phew. But she is still not as active as the others. Is this breed just more mellow than my others ( barred rock, Wyandotte, buff orpington, brahma, cinnamon queen, and black sex link)?
My EEs are way more mellow than my Blue Rock, but I don't know about the other breeds. They all have their own unique personalities, though! The big thing, I think, is to watch and get to know your own birds, and notice when something changes. I think when they're young they will change a lot due to maturing, but overall they have their personalities and you should be able to tell when one is "off."

But I am not an expert by any means, so if anyone else has better advice, please take it!

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