I have a mixed flock of mostly heavy and dual purpose breeds. I hatched many of these myself and they are really nice birds and GREAT layers! I have 31 hens and in the coldest weather get 24-30 eggs daily. And I get lots of X Large eggs of 70-80 grams
Good hatch guarantee or would replace for shipping.
Flock includes mostly brown egg layers covered by a RIR roo. Also have copper marans roos and others.
hens are: RIR x BR x cornish mixes (LARGE birds), black australorps, cuckoo marans, EE's, red sex-link, 2 turkens, a few polish, one blue silkie -- sorry no pics yet
Will try to honor special requests. These would ship on Monday. Thanks!
Good hatch guarantee or would replace for shipping.
Flock includes mostly brown egg layers covered by a RIR roo. Also have copper marans roos and others.
hens are: RIR x BR x cornish mixes (LARGE birds), black australorps, cuckoo marans, EE's, red sex-link, 2 turkens, a few polish, one blue silkie -- sorry no pics yet
Will try to honor special requests. These would ship on Monday. Thanks!
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