12th Annual 2021 BYC New Year's Day Hatch-Along!

Lock down is tonight for us. Won’t be able to do it in the morning. Soon there shall be peeps for all!

I normally have to hide the fact that I have eggs in the incubators from the other half. We already have 76 birds.... he didn’t care this time. Is he over it or is he planning on buying another dirt bike? Thoughts? 😂
Lock down is tonight for us. Won’t be able to do it in the morning. Soon there shall be peeps for all!

I normally have to hide the fact that I have eggs in the incubators from the other half. We already have 76 birds.... he didn’t care this time. Is he over it or is he planning on buying another dirt bike? Thoughts? 😂
Haha!! Maybe!?!?
Since E (my DH) started working from home, he's gotten more participatory in chicken land. I think they're really growing on him.
Haha!! Maybe!?!?
Since E (my DH) started working from home, he's gotten more participatory in chicken land. I think they're really growing on him.

See, that’s perfect. Lucky you!

My other half has been with UPS over 15 years. At the end of the day he wants zero chores. So unfortunately the chicken land is my land. But I’d be fine if he liked them more :lol:
See, that’s perfect. Lucky you!

My other half has been with UPS over 15 years. At the end of the day he wants zero chores. So unfortunately the chicken land is my land. But I’d be fine if he liked them more :lol:
Can't say I blame him! :)

I kind of use my little (ok, not all that little) chicken addiction as therapy at the end of a tough day!
So winter temps in barn can be a challenge for the heat plate to keep up in the brooder. What I recently found was a seedling heat mat for underneath them. Sandwiched between two pieces of cardboard with foam insulation under the wire it’s just right for them. With the heat plate on top.

This being a new heat mat I’ll keep an eye on temps. The older ones do very well. Poopy butt has been much better with the last hatch using the mat will have to see if this bunch does as well.
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