12X12X12 nestboxes? What size is good?

i have a question about the community next boxes. if one hen went broody would the other hens try to steal her eggs or would they leave her alone? i'm also wandering what size next boxes due to the largest chickens i have right now are standard Cochins.
!Shkittles! :

i have a question about the community next boxes. if one hen went broody would the other hens try to steal her eggs or would they leave her alone? i'm also wandering what size next boxes due to the largest chickens i have right now are standard Cochins.

12 x 12 works for most chickens, but large breeds like the standard cochins (who get to be the size of a beachball once you add all of the fluffed up feathers) can use a 16 x 16 box. Here are some pics of my 12 hole nest box. The boxes are 16 x 16 x 16 with a 12 inch walkway.


Thanks for posting the pics of your nest boxes. I am building my next boxes next week and am happy for the info. my larger chicks are Jersey Giants so probably should go with the larger size boxes.

All a community nest box is is a nest box without dividers. Look at mine above and imagine the dividers gone and you would have a community nest box.
12 x 12 works for most chickens, but large breeds like the standard cochins (who get to be the size of a beachball once you add all of the fluffed up feathers) can use a 16 x 16 box. Here are some pics of my 12 hole nest box. The boxes are 16 x 16 x 16 with a 12 inch walkway.



Wow those are really nice. My girls would be so jealous.

Wow. Thanks for the compliment. I just put that together with materials I already had laying around. It took me a few (ummm, I should say several hours) hours to put it together, but it ought to be good for at least 50 hens.
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I have a question. I found these awesome coke bottle crates thats I got for free and I want to use them in my nesting boxes thinking it will give any broodys room later on, and they are probably 12x18. I was going to make my nest boxes then around them 12x18xabout 14 high... I was going to turn the nest boxes two different ways if that makes sense tho...so one is wider while one is deeper figuring that gives them options. My question is, is that too big? I;ve read now that too big is no good because then they'll just lay anywhere. Whats your advice on this?
I use plastic milk crates. I put the opening in the front. The chickens like to be snug. Makes them feel safer. The milk crates have holes on all sides for ventilation and doesn't harbor insects like mites that are attracted to the wood laying boxes. If they get dirty I unhook them and hose them off and let dry in the sun. Hope this helps.

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