13.5 week old chicks still sleep in a cuddle huddle


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
wasn't sure where to put this. But I have 8 13.5 week old chickens that still just huddle in a pile on the coop floor to sleep. They use the roosting bar in the morning when they wake up before the door opens so I know they can get up there and know how to use it. I started them with a small roosting bar in the brooder when they were 2 weeks. They would use it during the day but pile to sleep at night. They have been out in the coop for 6.5 weeks now and STILL do the same..... I am ok with it but eventually would LOVE for them to use the roost to keep the coop cleaner since I have poop boards under it. I tried one night when it was darker out to put them on the roost (but had to use my phone flashlight for me to see which I am sure didn't help) and they freaked out and jumped down so I finally just gave up. Should I just let them be and figure they will eventually get it or try to go out every evening and put them on it? I don't have any other chickens to show them how. I figured by now they would have figured it out so wasn't too worried but now starting to wonder if they ever will. LOL
wasn't sure where to put this. But I have 8 13.5 week old chickens that still just huddle in a pile on the coop floor to sleep. They use the roosting bar in the morning when they wake up before the door opens so I know they can get up there and know how to use it. I started them with a small roosting bar in the brooder when they were 2 weeks. They would use it during the day but pile to sleep at night. They have been out in the coop for 6.5 weeks now and STILL do the same..... I am ok with it but eventually would LOVE for them to use the roost to keep the coop cleaner since I have poop boards under it. I tried one night when it was darker out to put them on the roost (but had to use my phone flashlight for me to see which I am sure didn't help) and they freaked out and jumped down so I finally just gave up. Should I just let them be and figure they will eventually get it or try to go out every evening and put them on it? I don't have any other chickens to show them how. I figured by now they would have figured it out so wasn't too worried but now starting to wonder if they ever will. LOL
I had a similar situation earlier this summer. My girls were using the roost during the day at times but wouldn't get on it at night. I thought maybe they weren't comfortable jumping up to the roost in the dark. I went into the coop a couple of weeks ago and lowered the roost about 6 inches and moved it about 6 inches away from the wall. I thought this would give them more room to jump up and down and lower to be easier to get onto. That night they were roosting when i went to check on them and have been ever since. Idk what your setup looks like but maybe it is the position of the roost that is deterring them from getting on once lighting is limited. They were about 16 weeks old when i moved the roost and they have been using it for about 3-4 weeks now consistently.
Hard to see but these are my roosts. Too hard to lower them but think poop boards are about 18" up and roost 8" above that. But now can't completely remember. I know they aren't really high since I have cochins and Brahmas that I read should roost lower.


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Go out well after dark.
Wear a headlight pointed up so as not to light their escape route.
Wrap hands around body holding wings down, place them firmly on the roost then let go with a little pat on the back.
I did have my phone flashlight pointed up. One stayed for a bit, a couple jumped right off, finally the other one jumped off. That was about 2 weeks ago maybe just under. I haven't tried since. Maybe I will give it another try.

Wasn't sure if they would eventually get it on their own or if I had to show them. I am just glad they don't sleep in the nest boxes but I don't have any bedding in those still hoping it would keep them out.
I did have my phone flashlight pointed up. One stayed for a bit, a couple jumped right off, finally the other one jumped off. That was about 2 weeks ago maybe just under. I haven't tried since. Maybe I will give it another try.
How do you hold your phone/light and handle birds at the same time?
It will take more than 1 night...maybe 3-4-5 in a row.

Wasn't sure if they would eventually get it on their own or if I had to show them. I am just glad they don't sleep in the nest boxes but I don't have any bedding in those still hoping it would keep them out.
They should, but I can be impatient.
How do you hold your phone/light and handle birds at the same time?
It will take more than 1 night...maybe 3-4-5 in a row.

They should, but I can be impatient.
My husband was doing it at first. Then I put it on one of the 2x4 near the roof in the frame. 😀. I knew it would take time, it took 2 weeks for them to learn to go in at night on their own, but where they freaked a bit I figured it wasn't a big deal so I would give them a bit more time to figure it out on their own... But they still haven't so figured I would ask here if they ever will. Lol
well they are 15.5 weeks and STILL sleeping in a cuddle puddle on the coop floor........ wondering if they are ever going to start sleeping on the roosts. A couple times a couple of them were sleeping in the nest box (would notice one night) and I would think I would have to block them off (I have no shavings or anything at all in them so they weren't comfy for them yet) and then the next night they would stop and be back in the pile. Well this week they have slept in them for 2 nights in a row, tonight I went out and moved them out, they are sleeping in the one closest to the cuddle puddle so I just put something in it to keep them out of it for tonight and now have to find a way to block them off for a few weeks. Thinking I am going to have to start going out and putting them up on the roosting bars once dark to try to train them. UGH! Why can't they be like all these other peoples that I hear about that instantly start roosting when they go in the coop? LOL
well they are 15.5 weeks and STILL sleeping in a cuddle puddle on the coop floor........ wondering if they are ever going to start sleeping on the roosts. A couple times a couple of them were sleeping in the nest box (would notice one night) and I would think I would have to block them off (I have no shavings or anything at all in them so they weren't comfy for them yet) and then the next night they would stop and be back in the pile. Well this week they have slept in them for 2 nights in a row, tonight I went out and moved them out, they are sleeping in the one closest to the cuddle puddle so I just put something in it to keep them out of it for tonight and now have to find a way to block them off for a few weeks. Thinking I am going to have to start going out and putting them up on the roosting bars once dark to try to train them. UGH! Why can't they be like all these other peoples that I hear about that instantly start roosting when they go in the coop? LOL
My girls were 10 weeks when they finally roosted on their own with out anyone to teach them. I’ve had nesting boxes blocked off all along. You gotta wear the headlamp and put it on red light so they dont bug out. Let us know an update! 🐓❤️

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