13 days left till hatch day


chick magnet
16 Years
Jul 12, 2007
Newport, MI
and I am more nervous. Hopefully they will hatch then I got my braggin rights. I been scared since day 1 thinking the humididty is to high or the temps are not right. scared to fall asleep think the temps will spike up when I am asleep.
Stevie, I'm 13 days left, too. Biting my nails. Good luck to us both!
Lots of luck to you as well. What are you hatching?
I got the mixed duck eggs from graceful and hope she will be a grandma to some beutiful babies
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Some SQ RIRs. But I saw these today and now I am wanting some, too!


I have more eggs coming next week. Can't believe I'm going to try some more, but seeing growing babies made me feel better, like maybe all isn't lost.
I would love to hatch geese but I am restraining lol. once we do the move and settle down I am definatly going to get geese. I was talking to this guy and he said he had the chinese geese and they where sweet.

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