13 Week EE Injured (17 wks now) ~Vet Update Not Good~ *Graphic Pics *


11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Cottage Grove, OR
Okay, here goes the story...

Some of you may have seen my "What Predator Killed my Chicken" thread about a week ago...We determined it was an opossum. Since then, my neighbor scared it away one night and haven't lost any since then until last night.

I was in bed reading (the chicken coop is located on the outside wall of my bedroom) and heard a noise. I jumped up, slipped my shoes on, grabbed the flashlight and was outside in probably 30-45 seconds. I shined the flashlight on the coop before I could even see it and heard the opossum, scrabble up and over the fence.

Earlier in the evening my husband and son had closed up the chickens and ducks, but somehow the nest box door hadn't been closed properly. Somehow this opossum had got the nest box door open and snagged a 13 week old araucana (who had decided the nest box was a better roosting place than the roosting pole).

When I got out there, she was lying on the ground. My first thought was she was dead, then I noticed she was breathing. She had blood dripping down her beak (not too much) and I figured she was dying. As I sat there for a few seconds contemplating what to do, I put my hand on the coop to steady myself and made a noise. Much to my surprise, she jumped up and ran to the corner of the yard. I immediately picked her up and brought her in the house.

She doesn't seem to have anything broken, but both her eyes were injured and are swollen and pussy. I've cleaned them the best I can without hurting her, but she obviously still can't see out them right now. I could tell that she had gotten water last night (due to blood on the water bottle), but I haven't been able to get her to drink at all today, other than a few drops I managed to get down her with a syringe. She also hasn't eaten anything, although I offered her both yogurt and an egg.

I am hoping someone has some suggestions on how to encourage her to eat and drink. She has been mostly lying in her tub (clear rubbermaid type), but will stand for short periods too. I believe she's still pretty strong, but am afraid she will weaken rapidly if I can't get her to at least drink. I did mix a bit of sugar in with the water to try and give her some energy, but don't know how much good it did, since she didn't drink very much at all.

We are taking steps to prevent any more attacks...I'm putting up some lights tomorrow and adding a latch to the nest box and putting better latches on the existing doors.

Thanks in advance and sorry for such a long post, I just wanted to be sure and include as much pertinent info as possible. (Her poop is still normal, although less since she hasn't eaten)

Oh, one more thing...when we went to close them up tonight, we discovered that somehow, even though I got out there in such a short time, that darn opossum managed to get another one last night (in addition to the injured one).
I don't know how he did it! I'm still hoping maybe she was hiding somewhere and we'll find her tomorrow, but I'm not optimistic.
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Oh no! I'm so sorry! I think you're probably doing the best thing by using the syringe to administer fluids. I'm not an expert, but this is what I would do in your situation. Keep her quiet, warm, clean and hydrated, those are the main things, I believe. Poor little one.
So sorry!

I have railed on the dangers of oppossums for over a year now on this board and even though some discount the dangers of oppossums for their chickens, threads like this are all too commonplace.

I use an infra-red game cam to document visiting predators visiting the coop area at night, then shoot them dead.

If your location doesn't allow it, use a "havahart" trap. But any way you slice it, a predator will keep on returning until the food runs out.

Good luck opposum hunting!
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Thanks for your input. My neighbor has a BB gun standing ready if she sees it...All we've got are pellet guns that belongs to my 12 year old son. It's one of the things we've been wanting to get, but I'm not sure if my city would allow it since we live within the city limits. I do realize that we're gonna have to find some way to get rid of this opossum. It's obviously considering my flock to be its personal buffet.

The injured chicken is still live...she seems okay in that she's standing up and moving around some, but she's still not eating or drinking on her own. I feel like if I can't get her to eat or drink today, then I'm going to have to put her down...

I really don't want to do that!!!! But I will if I have to. Please, I would love to get any more suggestions to help her out.
I think you are already doing all you can do for her....

As for the possum--- put some raw meat or catfood in a havahart trap. They are very easy to catch usually. You can give him a good bust over the head and they often play dead. Don't bother with putting out lights. Won't do any good. They don't care. The latches are most effective.
Thought I'd update you all...Turns out the missing chicken wasn't missing after all!!!
I don't know where she was hiding, but I'm sure glad she's okay!

The injured chicken (Jennifer) seems to be doing better today, I had put a bowl of food in with her, just in case she was interested and it's obvious she somehow managed to get some. I also managed to get a couple of syringes of water in her too. I'm not sure if she's drinking the water that I have in there on her own or not, but until I'm sure, I'll keep doing the syringe thing.

Both of her eyes are totally swollen and pussy and just plain gross. I was able to clean them up a little bit tonight, and could see that the actual injury, was just below her eye on both sides. How odd it is that that the opossum missed the actual eye, on both sides no less! I still have no idea if she can see or not, as there's just too much goop in her eyes for her to even try to see. I put some gentian violet on the actual puncture marks, hoping that it's antibiotic effect would help her out.

If it does turn out that she's been blinded, what kind of life would she be able to have? Could she re-integrate with the rest of the flock and still live a happy life?
I hope this isn't the case, but I can tell that it's going to be several days before I know if she is or not. I am feeling optimistic that she's going to make it.

I'll keep updating as there is news to report.
I'm sorry you had to go through that! But yay that she is getting better, and the other hen was found! Hopefully she will be able to see once the swelling goes down. Poor thing. Good luch with jennifer!!
I've got another question...I was reading the First Aid Kit thread and it mentioned using neosporin and some other types of antibiotics...I'm afraid Jennifer's eyes are getting infected, could I use the neoporin in her eyes? If not, could I get one of the other antibiotics and how would I administer it if I'm having a hard time getting her to eat?
You need terramycin drops for animals for her eyes. I got mine from my vet. My drake had his eyes attacked and after the first administation of drops they were already better.
also if you can't get her to eat try adding some of her favorite treats to entice her to eat. Maybe add electolytes, or even just some sugar to water to get her perked up. Good luck. I hope she gets better.

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