13 Week EE Injured (17 wks now) ~Vet Update Not Good~ *Graphic Pics *

"possums are pretty tasty."

I had to laugh at that one. I just read a book called, "When all Hell Breaks Loose" which is about survival, if it does. The author points out that 'country rats' are really very tidy, well fed animals (cat food, fruit, grains, etc. as opposed to garbage in a city) and that they could not be distinguished from chicken if you didn't see what you were eating. Hmmm. I'd probably eat up all of my stores of Spam first.
I'm so sorry for you loss. You definitely gave it your all, and that's all any of us can do.
I've heard that about eating 'possum, I'm just not sure I could do it. Although, I have always subscribed to the "I'll try anything once" philosophy.

Maybe I'll have to try it....no, probably won't. I definitely would if someone else had some already prepared though.
I did get fussed at, once, by some neighbors when we dispatched a raccoon and then disposed of it. They couldn't believe that we'd get rid of such a delicacy. O.O

That being said, there was a possom in the freezer of our work fridge once because apparently someone caught one, and another person was going to have stew.
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Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Jennifer!!!! How sad!

It is so hard when we spend days or weeks caring for a sick animal, only to lose them in the end.

I once spent 8 weeks taking 24/7 care of a baby rabbit who had all manner of health problems....I was even getting up in the night to care for her, just like with a new baby! She had a fatal liver disease, unknown to me at first, and I ultimately had to have her put to sleep. It was heartbreaking!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you and your son! You certainly gave her a wonderful quality of life, even up to the end.
I did get fussed at, once, by some neighbors when we dispatched a raccoon and then disposed of it. They couldn't believe that we'd get rid of such a delicacy. O.O

That being said, there was a possom in the freezer of our work fridge once because apparently someone caught one, and another person was going to have stew.

- blech!
Just giving you a quick update...I finally called the vet today. Didn't get to talk to the vet, but the receptionist took my name and number and is going to have him call. We'll see if he really does.
So, the vet called back yesterday evening. He was open to hearing what I had to say, but said that what he had read in his books said 104 - 105 was normal. He also said that there was inconsistency in what he was reading, some had lower, some higher temps.

I wasn't really looking to get my money back...she really was bad off. He remembered her and how bad her infection was and said that he still felt that it was for the best, regardless of the temperature.

He seemed appreciative of the info I gave him and gave his sympathies again about her. We talked a little about how so many vets won't even treat chickens, even avian specialists. He said he wants to be available for people who have nowhere else to turn.

I just want to say a final thanks to everyone for their kindness, generosity, knowledge and support (emotional as well as financial!).

Thank you!!!

I'm going to go now and enjoy the chickens (and ducks) I have remaining (I got the first egg from one of them a couple days ago!!

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