14 week old chickens

If your yard is not fenced, I would let them out a bit before dark. Different birds will wander different amounts. Some never get far from the coop, some will go a 1/4 of a mile.

The more you let them out, the farther they will go. The longer you leave them out, the farther they will go. If you have neighbors, that might be a problem, as they can destroy plantings.

Mrs K
I agree with the above posters; however, just keep in mind that if let out of their run they may end up in your porch / picnic tables / yard chairs and poop everywhere and on everything. It is best to expand their run if you want them to roam more. That way you keep them in their space and your property stays poop free.
I agree with the above posters; however, just keep in mind that if let out of their run they may end up in your porch / picnic tables / yard chairs and poop everywhere and on everything. It is best to expand their run if you want them to roam more. That way you keep them in their space and your property stays poop free.
Very excellent advice. I will probably let them roam from 4 to 6 pm when the sun goes down. Most people here have their homes quite a few feet off the ground to circulate air and keep the house cooler, I dont think they will climb up the steps but you never know!
I actually clipped one wing on each hen 4 weeks ago and yesterday I saw one fly across the yard! Do the feathers grow back that fast????

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