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They aren't trying to kill or hurt their chickens. How are they supposed to learn and get experience if they don't do it in the first place? 4 years ago I didn't know the first thing about raising chickens, and I've learned so much through research and experience. I've made a lot of mistakes; some of which caused serious injury and death. I have asked a lot of stupid questions. But I have learned from my mistakes and stupid questions. People can do as much research as possible, but they will still screw up at some points, just as I did.

They are doing the best they can and should be helped and supported.
Yea, I would say use an ounce of common sense. Lol
When you buy a kitten at the per store for the first time, do you buy 50??? 50 kittens???
People do use common sense. It isn’t always correct.
I’ve never gotten a kitten at a pet store so maybe people do. We used to have 25+ cats.
When people order eggs for hatching sometimes there is an extremely high minimum, or maybe they couldn’t get less in their area.
If I’ve made one person stop before impulsively buying birds and killing them, then I have accomplished something. Then delete the thread
You're doing the opposite! You're berating those who might have impulsively bought birds, but now have come to their senses and trying to compensate their lack of knowledge. Result; They'll leave without getting the information they came for, and the birds will suffer.

People don't come on this forum and THEN impulsively buy birds... It's the other way around (although most people here haven't bought impulsively)
I have to say, chickens are flock birds. Your point about buying kittens is not the same because you can have 1 cat, it’ll be fine, but you can’t have 1 chicken. They’re flock birds. Personally 50 does sound like a lot (I have 15) I understand your point, but your tone seems to be a little rude. Most people on here know at least a little about chickens. Otherwise, why would they come to this site? Please understand that I’m not trying to be rude, I just don’t want others to be hurt.
Exactly, chickens are nothing like kittens
People on here try to get advice and then people like you just berate them and judge them without offering any actual advice besides getting a goldfish instead or getting rid of their birds because they're a novice.

People on here believe it or not, do care for their birds. If they didn't, why would they bother having an account on here?

Everyone was a novice at one time, even you. Not everyone is able to start out with a small number of birds. Not everyone has people willing to split hatchery minimums or a feedstores that sells chicks within a reasonable driving distance.

Not everyone can just go out and buy 2 or 3 eggs to learn how to incubate and raise a different species.

People are trying their best.
Of course, the hatcheries are selling lots of quail eggs 50 at a time because they are a business just trying to make as much money as they can. It doesn’t mean it’s right. They shouldn’t be allowed to sell that many eggs or chicks to novice buyers. Look online at family farm and private sellers. I’m against these large commercial poultry raisers practices anyway. There are some farms in my area that offer classes on poultry raising as well.
Buy some books or look at Youtube videos.
Some people are also just not bird people and there is nothing wrong with that. Not everyone can do everything or has the same talents. I’ve never been a horse person and my cousin is a horse person. She’s always had horses since she was a child. I’ve always had birds. If it doesn’t work out for you no matter what you do and they keep dying or mostly dying etc etc. Try fish. Try a rat. Try a snake.
What you think or feel is irrelevant. The only point of relevance and my primary concerns are animal rights, animal protection and conservation, in this case birds.
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