15-25 buttons!


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
Well, they were set to hatch today, but my first little silver was out yesterday. 15 hatched on their own, the last few were coming farther apart, and then nothing for a few hours, so, I went in and started digging them out. Some had pipped the membrane, but then died in the shell. So, I was a little late in helping.
However, there were ten that were still alive, so I helped them. I think five are still in the shell, the other five were far enough that I could actually pull them completely out of the shell without blood. Two of the five in the shell just have the veins to suck up yet, and three have spots on their bellies and some veins. The ones with veins I'm not too worried about, as one or two of the coturnix had this as well, but is doing extremely well, but none of the coturnix that I helped had any spots on their bellies.
Wish me luck that they ALL make it. ESPECIALLY considering that two or three of the ones that I helped are white/splash. The first one that was helped and pulled from the shell is already starting to walk about, but I think it's a cinnie, lol. There are a lot of wild types, I think two or three vaders, some bluefaced cinnies, a few cinnies, a silver or two, a slate, maybe a RB, and several white/splash. I'll have to do a definate check and a final count on colors once I move them to the brooder and can actually get a good look at them.
All out of their shells. 14 were moved to the brooder, the other naturally hatched chick (a slate) was still a little wet. A few of the helped chicks are stumbling around, some are still laying around. The last coturnix that I helped was spinning itself in circles on its side, so I'm not real concerned about these guys yet, I really think they'll make it.

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