15 week old pullets, I hope??? Please help.

lovin my girls

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 28, 2009
Last edited:
I have buffs that are just a bit older than yours that are all (supposedly) girls.

I think the first two pics have rooster written all over them. The one in the back in the third pic looks like my hens.

But, I am new, and don't take my word for it. It is fun to guess, tho.
Well, the two with the big pink combs have combs larger than my one year old Buff Orpington girl and about same size as my three year old Buff Orp ladies. Rather suspicious, I'd say, at 15 weeks. Plus I see some shine in those hackles, too, and in the group pic, the one on the left has shiny saddle feathers, I think.
Looks like you ended up with a couple of roosters. I have a 18 week old with a much smaller comb and waddles than yours. Are those pointed hackle feathers we are starting to see?
Thanks....this is getting interesting. We are new to chickens, as you can tell

Keep the thoughts coming.


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