1588 Hovabator How many have and pros and cons


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
I am considering getting another small incubator just for hatching. What do you think of this model? Please give me your Opinion if you have one and have used it on a regular basis. thanks Julie
I have been hatching with mine for 3 years and I love it.The temp.has always been right on and I find it very easy to use.
Thank you for the replys. I really just need it for the extra hatching. I can fit more than enough eggs in the Dicki
I've got three 1588's plus a 1590 which is the older version. I like them and have had good luck with them. Two of them are incubating away right now, and I'll be starting the others up to use as hatchers the next couple of weeks. They've been very dependable for me.
I got mine a few days ago from Incubator Warehouse, lowest price I could find. First hatch is in and guess it's ok. Bought a digital therm/hygr and it fluctated at 99.5 - 99.6 up and down. Turned on the turner and put in eggs and it went up to 100.4 it's been up and down. Now at 99.5 . I think it's affected by the room temp which was at 80 but then I closed the vent a little and room temp drop to 75. Now incu is at 99.5 So who knows.
I guess I've learned that the room temp can affect these things more than I thought. I'll be very upset if I dont' get a good hatch of 50% or better. These are very important eggs but I couldn't wait for a test run as they had to be shipped to me.

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