16 Week Old Barred Rock (Roo or Hen)


Here's a closer look
I still say pullet. If she was a he then he would be lighter in colour and crowing by now. often longer tail feather curl because of the weight ( the longer they are the more they weigh) she should redden up in the comb soon and start to lay
So she will lay soon and I have a different chicken and she is laying down a lot like when she is out of her coop to she is always laying down are there any signs of laying?
Um its hard to tell as all breeds are different and vary. Usually squatting, checking out the nest boxes/ 'nesting' inside a signs, as are reddening of the comb and wattles. You can also check their vents to see if they are ' twitching' which is a sign that the muscles are strengthening. Make sure they are getting good food, and have plenty of free fed grit for strong eggs. At 16 weeks old I would say she could be upto 8 weeks from laying as heavy breeds take longer to mature but it all depends on the genetics/breeding and how fast she grows and matures
No we have 6 chickens and one is already laying and 3 are at the age where they should be laying that's why in asking you what are the signs of laying but thank you
definitely hen! my 16 week old roo has a larger comb and wattles as well as droopy tail feathers and my hens look like your picture. All were purchased as pullets but 1 of mine is definitely a roo!

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