17 chicks from Tractor Supply - Growth/sexing thread

Loving the way the Mille Fleur D’Uccles are coming along. Definitely keepers.


The silkie cockerel’s definitely another keeper. He’s the friendliest of the bunch; always runs up to me when I feed/visit the chickens. He also allows me to feed him by hand. :love

More of a lonesome dude, but he likes the Mills Fleur pullet the most.

Here’s beat-up Peepers, hanging out with them again.

Had some dominance issues, but he’s all healed up now.

Here’s the Mille Fleur during sunset.


The SLW are looking interesting as well!

Now that two of the pullets are gone, one of which I was going to keep, I will be only 6 chicks instead of 7. It’s a good thing I had some replacements.
I’ll be likely be keeping the D’Uccles, the Silkie, the SLW pullet and one cockerel, and one Leghorn.


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Where did you find a TSC with that much variety? Around here we are lucky if they have 1-2 breeds of pullets and 1-2 straight run. Usually they are all barred rock, white leghorns, and a yellow sex link. Have never seen silkies or australorps.
I got chicks from the assorted Bantam bin yesterday and they had White Silkie, Buff Silkie, Black Silkie, Blue Silkie, Millie Fleur Duccle, Golden Sebright, Red Pyle OEGB and BB Red OEGB. The only chicks they had were Bantam, but that box held a lot of variety. Last year I got some and all they had was Golden Sebright and BB Red OEGB. Although the lady behind the counter said someone came in and picked up all the feather footed birds. I think a better question is, how did you find an employee that was so helpful?! Ours are very close to useless. Nice, but useless.
I got chicks from the assorted Bantam bin yesterday and they had White Silkie, Buff Silkie, Black Silkie, Blue Silkie, Millie Fleur Duccle, Golden Sebright, Red Pyle OEGB and BB Red OEGB. The only chicks they had were Bantam, but that box held a lot of variety. Last year I got some and all they had was Golden Sebright and BB Red OEGB. Although the lady behind the counter said someone came in and picked up all the feather footed birds. I think a better question is, how did you find an employee that was so helpful?! Ours are very close to useless. Nice, but useless.
Good question! Lol.
That’s probably the first helpful employee I’ve ever seen at any TSC.
We just got 9 of ‘em all boxed up…
6 Leghorn Pullets
1 BA Pullet
1 Isa Brown Pullet
1 SLW Cockerel

The remaining ones are going to stay with us
1 Leghorn Pullet
1 Silkie Cockerel
1 D’Uccle Cockerel
1 D’Uccle Pullet
1 SLW Cockerel
1 SLW Pullet

I made sure to pick out the SLW cockerel that tends to hang around the SLW pullet more… I’d like to breed them if possible, later on. I seemed to have picked the right cock.

I also made sure to pick the Leghorn that the D’Uccle cockerel loves. He was obsessed with this one Leghorn… and I’m happy to say that I picked the right one, again- by watching their behavior for 20+ min before separating and picking some out.
The remaining 6 are doing well!
Peepers the OEGB Roo likes to hang out with the flock, along with Snickers, Twix, and Chippy from Flo’s hatch along.


I call them my bantam flock, even though not all of them are bantams. They travel as a flock. Ever since Peepers lost his position as Number 1 roo on the farm, he hangs out with the youngsters. (We got rid of the guy that bullied Peepers, but he is still adjusting.)

Here are the trouble makers.

“Trouble Makers For Hire”

They like to fly on top of the 10+ ft run!

This pair is my favorite though. I’ve always wanted D’Uccles (even if they are low quality). The time I bought D’Uccles a couple years ago, I got scammed into Buff Cochins, but I’m so happy that I have the Buff Cochins now! I had my mind set that the Buff Cochins were Buff D’Uccles, but then someone on BYC told me they’re not!

Here they are. My second favorite pair on the Homestead.

Now I’m getting off topic, lol.. so here are more photos of the bunch that we kept.


(The bunch is in the background on the ground)

I’ll get more photos soon!
This D’Uccle cockerel is starting to become very friendly! He likes to sleep in my lap and he’s the only out out of the bunch that allows me to hand feed him. He’s a sweetheart.


Here is the SLW and Silkie cockerels.


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