Mar 24, 2008 #1 keeperofthehearth Songster 12 Years Nov 3, 2007 2,190 79 213 podunk... I mean Wabash, IN I am sooo pumped! Chicks on order and arriving April 11th, just in time for my April 12th Birthday. Birthday Peeps!!
I am sooo pumped! Chicks on order and arriving April 11th, just in time for my April 12th Birthday. Birthday Peeps!!
Mar 24, 2008 #3 Josie Songster 12 Years Jan 3, 2008 867 3 149 California And by "Yeah" I meant "YEAH!!"
Mar 24, 2008 Thread starter #4 keeperofthehearth Songster 12 Years Nov 3, 2007 2,190 79 213 podunk... I mean Wabash, IN Barnevelder pullets, Marans & Dark Brahmas. I'm counting down the days!!!!! Praying for a good hatch and a safe trip fm Texas to Indiana. Sooo glad the weather is warming up. Thanks for asking!
Barnevelder pullets, Marans & Dark Brahmas. I'm counting down the days!!!!! Praying for a good hatch and a safe trip fm Texas to Indiana. Sooo glad the weather is warming up. Thanks for asking!